1.1 Number of students on roll year-wise during the last five years.

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1.1 Number of students on roll year-wise during the last five years.

1.2 Number of seats sanctioned year wise during the last five years.

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1.2 Number of seats sanctioned year wise during the last five years.

1.3 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Govt. rule year wise during

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1.3 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Govt. rule year wise during the last five years.

1.4 Number of outgoing or final year students who appeared for final examination year wise during th

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1.4 Number of outgoing or final year students who appeared for final examination year wise during the last five years.

1.5 Number of graduating students year-wise during last five years.

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1.5 Number of graduating students year-wise during last five years.

1.6 Number of students enrolled(admitted) year-wise during the last five years.

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1.6 Number of students enrolled(admitted) year-wise during the last five years.

2.1 Number of full time teachers year wise during the last five years.

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2.1 Number of full time teachers year wise during the last five years.

2.2 Number of Sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years.

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2.2 Number of Sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years.

3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).

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3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).

3.2 Number of Computers in the institution for academic purposes.

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3.2 Number of Computers in the institution for academic purposes.

1.1.2 Indicate the persons involved in the curriculum planning process during the last completed aca

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1.1.2 Indicate the persons involved in the curriculum planning process during the last completed academic year.

1.1.3 While planning institutional curriculum, focus is kept on the Programme Learning Outcomes and

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1.1.3 While planning institutional curriculum, focus is kept on the Programme Learning Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes which are stated and communicated to teachers and students

1.2.1 Number of optional or elective courses including pedagogy courses offered

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1.2.1 Number of optional or elective courses including pedagogy courses offered

1.2.2 Number of Value – added courses offered during the last five years

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1.2.2 Number of Value – added courses offered during the last five years

1.2.3 Number of students enrolled in the Value – added courses during the last five years

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1.2.3 Number of students enrolled in the Value – added courses during the last five years

1.2.4 Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online or offline

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1.2.4 Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online or offline

1.2.5 Number of students who have completed self-study courses online or offline, beyond the curricu

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1.2.5 Number of students who have completed self-study courses online or offline, beyond the curriculum during the last five years

1.4.1 Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on the curriculum – semester wise from

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1.4.1 Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on the curriculum – semester wise from various stakeholders.

1.4.2 Feedback collected from stakeholders is processed and action is taken

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1.4.2 Feedback collected from stakeholders is processed and action is taken

2.1.1 Average Enrollment percentage of students during the last five years.

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2.1.1 Average Enrollment percentage of students during the last five years.

2.1.2 Number of students enrolled from the reserved categories during last five years.

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2.1.2 Number of students enrolled from the reserved categories during last five years.

2.1.3 Number of students enrolled from EWS and Divyangjan categories during last five years.

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2.1.3 Number of students enrolled from EWS and Divyangjan categories during last five years.

2.2.2 Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs.

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2.2.2 Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs.

2.2.3 Institutional provisions for catering to differential student needs

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2.2.3 Institutional provisions for catering to differential student needs

2.2.4 Student-Mentor ratio for the last completed academic year

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2.2.4 Student-Mentor ratio for the last completed academic year

2.3.2 Number of teachers integrating ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LM

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2.3.2 Number of teachers integrating ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), e-Learning Resources and others excluding PPT.

2.3.3 Number of students using ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual

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2.3.3 Number of students using ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual laboratories, learning apps etc.) for their learning, for the last completed academic year

2.3.4 ICT support is used by students in various learning situations

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2.3.4 ICT support is used by students in various learning situations

2.3.6 Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of education

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2.3.6 Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of education

2.4.1 Institution provides opportunities for developing competencies and skills in different functio

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2.4.1 Institution provides opportunities for developing competencies and skills in different functional areas through specially designed activities or experiences

2.4.2 Students go through a set of activities as preparatory to school-based practice teaching and i

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2.4.2 Students go through a set of activities as preparatory to school-based practice teaching and internship.

2.4.3 Competency of effective communication is developed in students through several activities.

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2.4.3 Competency of effective communication is developed in students through several activities.

2.4.4 Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment for learning suited to the ki

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2.4.4 Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment for learning suited to the kinds of learning engagement provided to learners, and to analyse as well as interpret responses.

2.4.5 Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICT for teaching learning proce

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2.4.5 Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICT for teaching learning process.

2.4.6 Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community.

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2.4.6 Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community.

2.4.7 A variety of assignments given and assessed for theory courses.

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2.4.7 A variety of assignments given and assessed for theory courses.

2.4.9 Number of schools selected for internship during the last completed academic year

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2.4.9 Number of schools selected for internship during the last completed academic year

2.4.10 Nature of internee engagement during internship.

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2.4.10 Nature of internee engagement during internship.

2.4.12 Performance of students during internship is assessed by the institution in terms of observat

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2.4.12 Performance of students during internship is assessed by the institution in terms of observations of different persons.

2.4.13 Comprehensive appraisal of interns’ performance is in place.

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2.4.13 Comprehensive appraisal of interns’ performance is in place.

2.5.1 Percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years.

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2.5.1 Percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years.

2.5.2 Number of full time teachers in the institution with Ph.D. degree during last five years.

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2.5.2 Number of full time teachers in the institution with Ph.D. degree during last five years.

2.5.3 Total number of years of teaching experience of full-time teachers for the last completed acad

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2.5.3 Total number of years of teaching experience of full-time teachers for the last completed academic year.

2.6.2 Mechanism of internal evaluation is transparent and robust and time bound.

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2.6.2 Mechanism of internal evaluation is transparent and robust and time bound.

2.7.2 Total number of students who passed the university examination during the last five years.

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2.7.2 Total number of students who passed the university examination during the last five years.

2.7.4 Number of students achieving on an average 70% or more on internal assessment activities durin

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2.7.4 Number of students achieving on an average 70% or more on internal assessment activities during last completed academic year.

3.1.3 In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes during the l

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3.1.3 In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes during the last five years.

3.1.4 Institution has created an eco-system for innovations and other initiatives for creation and t

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3.1.4 Institution has created an eco-system for innovations and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge.

3.2.1 Number of research papers or articles per teacher published in the Journals notified on UGC we

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3.2.1 Number of research papers or articles per teacher published in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years.

3.2.2 Total number of books and or chapters in edited books, papers in National or International con

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3.2.2 Total number of books and or chapters in edited books, papers in National or International conference proceedings published during the last five years.

3.3.1 Total number of outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years.

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3.3.1 Total number of outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years.

3.3.2 Number of students participating in outreach activities organized by the institution during th

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3.3.2 Number of students participating in outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years.

3.3.3 Number of students participated in activities as part of national priority programmes during l

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3.3.3 Number of students participated in activities as part of national priority programmes during last five years.

3.4.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, research etc. during the last five

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3.4.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, research etc. during the last five years.

3.4.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National and or International importance, other

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3.4.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National and or International importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years.

3.4.3 Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and out

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3.4.3 Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and outreach activities.

4.1.2 Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom

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4.1.2 Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom, LMS, video and sound systems etc. during the last completed academic year.

4.1.3 Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation excluding salary during the last five years (INR i

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4.1.3 Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation excluding salary during the last five years (INR in lakhs)

4.2.3 Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership or registration

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4.2.3 Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership or registration

4.2.4 Annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals and e-resources during the last five years.

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4.2.4 Annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals and e-resources during the last five years. (INR in Lakhs)

4.2.5 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students during the latest completed acade

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4.2.5 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students during the latest completed academic year.

4.2.6 Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the l

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4.2.6 Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the library suitable to the three streams of teacher education.

4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio for last completed academic year.

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4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio for last completed academic year.

4.3.3 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the institution, in MBPS.

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4.3.3 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the institution, in MBPS.

4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development are available in the institution.

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4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development are available in the institution.

4.4.1 Expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities d

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4.4.1 Expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities during the last five years (INR in lakhs).

5.1.1 A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institu

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5.1.1 A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution.

5.1.2 Available student support facilities in the institution.

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5.1.2 Available student support facilities in the institution.

5.1.3 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances includi

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5.1.3 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases.

5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students.

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5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students.

5.2.1 Number of students of the institution placed as teachers or teacher educators during the last

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5.2.1 Number of students of the institution placed as teachers or teacher educators during the last five years.

5.2.2 Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last completed academic year.

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5.2.2 Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last completed academic year.

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state or national level examinations during the last five yea

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5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state or national level examinations during the last five years.

5.3.2 Number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution during the last five years.

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5.3.2 Number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution during the last five years.

5.4.2 Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning.

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5.4.2 Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning.

5.4.3 Number of meetings of Alumni Association held during the last five years.

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5.4.3 Number of meetings of Alumni Association held during the last five years.

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance.

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6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance.

6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminar or conferences or worksho

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6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminar or conferences or workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years.

6.3.3 Total number of professional development or administrative training programmes organized by th

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6.3.3 Total number of professional development or administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years.

6.5.3 Number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality durin

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6.5.3 Number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality during the last five years.

6.5.4 Institution engages in several quality initiatives.

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6.5.4 Institution engages in several quality initiatives.

7.1.3 Institution waste management practices.

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7.1.3 Institution waste management practices.

7.1.4 Institution has water management and conservation initiatives.

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7.1.4 Institution has water management and conservation initiatives.

7.1.6 Institution is committed to encourage green practices.

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7.1.6 Institution is committed to encourage green practices.

7.1.7 Total expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component during

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7.1.7 Total expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).

7.1.9 Institution has a prescribed Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other

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7.1.9 Institution has a prescribed Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff, and conducts periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code.