Graduation day 2024 DEEKSHA
Student Satisfactory Survey Consolidated Report 2023-24
IQAC Meeting Minutes 08.06.2023
Morning Assembly Record 2023-24
IQAC Meeting Minutes 2023-2024
Harit Ghar Project - Dept. Of Social Science Education
Harit Ghar Project - Dept. Of Physical Science Education
Harit Ghar Project - Dept. Of Mathematics Education
Harit Ghar Project - Dept. Of English Education
Harit Ghar Project - Dept. Of Commerce Education
IQAC Meeting minutes 2023-24
Calicut University Practical Examination
Workshop or Webinars Certificates
Faculty Development Programme Certificates
2.3.7 photo document of collecting money for Nirmal Bhavan Project
2.3.7 Kalamandalam Visit
2.3.7 Organising adventurous tour programme
2.3.7 Participation in outreach and extension activities
2.3.7 awareness programmes
2.3.7 Food distribution for the needy ones
2.3.7 report on Cleaning drive
2.3.7 community living camp
2.3.7 Organising and participating in various art and literally programmes
2.3.7 sample copy of reflective journal
2.3.7 Preparing creative and innovative teacher planner
2.3.7 Health and Physical Education Lesson Plan
2.3.7 Details of students in Participating in seminars
2.3.7 Manuscript Magazine
2.3.7 Writing script on advertisement
2.3.7 film review
2.3.7 Educational Journal Review
2.3.7 Organizing an activity to conscientize National Integration, Patriotism and Universal brotherh
2.3.7 Achievement Test Record
2.3.7 Workshop record on preparation of learning resource material
2.3.7 Art and Drama workshop Report
2.3.7 audio visual portfolio
2.3.7 Creation of blog
2.3.5 Nature of mentoring efforts- keeping oneself abreast with recent developments in education and
2.3.5 Nature of Mentoring Efforts- balancing home and work stress
2.3.5 Nature of mentoring efforts- conduct of self with colleagues and authorities
2.3.5 Nature of mentoring efforts- Dealing with students diversity
2.3.5 Nature of mentoring efforts- working in team
MOU with VFPCK, Alathur, Palakkad
MOU with Ramunni Panikkar Trust
MOU with IHRD College of Applied Science, Ayalur
MOU with Indian Association for Blind
Calicut University Examination Valuation Camp Report
School Internship Report
HOPE- Human Offering Paradise on Earth
2.6.1 Task & Assignments 4
2.6.1 Task & Assignments 3
2.6.1 Task & Assignments 2
2.6.1 Task & Assignments 1
2.6.1 Performance Appraisal of Student-teacher (Internship) 2023-2024
2.6.1 Internals (2023-2024)
2.6.1 Community Living Camp Student Record 2023-2024
2.6.1 Examinations 2023-2024
2.4.4 2022-2024 workshop
2.4.4 2022-2024 tools achievement
2.4.4 2022-2024 tools ( criticism )
2.4.4 2022-2024 tool diagnosis
2.4.4 2022-2024 rao achievement test
2.4.4 2022-2024 micro teaching
2.4.4 2022-2024 learning style
2.4.4 2022-2024 diagnostic
2.4.4 2022-2024 artifacts
2.4.4 2022-24 Self esteem
2.4.4 2022-24 Rao achievement test (Tool)
2.4.4 2022-24 observation report
2.4.4 2022-24 Observation report (tool)
2.4.4 2022-24 micro teaching (tool)
2.4.4 2022-24 Learning Style (Tool)
2.4.4 2022-24 Demonstration report
2.4.4 2022-24 criticism report
2.4.4 2022-24 Achievement test
2.4.1 Technology use and Integration ICT Workshop 2023-2024
2.4.1 Photo Evidence functional areas
2.4.1 Organising learning
2.4.1 Field Visit 2023-2024
2.4.1 Developing Teaching Competency
2.4.1 Community Engagement
2.4.1 Assessment of Learning
Link to the e-content developed by the faculty of the institution 2023-2024
Anti Ragging Cell Meeting Minutes
The institution has guidelines regarding redressal mechanisms
Link to certified copies of the library ledger pages
Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as electives (Additional Optional)
Link of ICT support resources used by students in various learning situations
Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs
2.3.2 Number of teachers integrating ICT (Link to LMS)
Document showing that the no. of teachers and students using library 2023-2024
Admission Prospectus for 2023-2024 of University of Calicut
Institutional Policy and Procedure 2024
Students Induction Program 2023-2024
Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Talents Day 2024-2026
Certificate From DAYA Charitable Trust
MOU with Ramuni Panikkar Trust
MOU with College of Applied Science, Ayalur
College Annual Report 2022-2023
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills in 2021-2022
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills in 2020-2021
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills in 2019-2020
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills in 2018-19
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills in 2017-18
documentary evidence of the development of competencies and skills
plan of Action 5 years
bi- lingual 2021-22
2.6.2 University Regulation. internal 2021-22
2.6.2 University Regulation. internal 2020-21
2.6.2 University Regulation. internal 2019-20
2.6.2 University Regulation. internal 2018-19
2.6.2 University Regulation. internal 2017-18
2.6.2 bi- lingual 2021-22
bi- lingual 2020-21
bi- lingual 2019-20
2.6.2 bi- lingual 2018-19
bi- lingual 2017-18
Mentoring report last five years
Year wise report of activities to address the differential student needs last five years
relevant documents highlighting the activities to address the differential student needs 5 yrs
Assessment tools and documents prepared by students 2021-22
Assessment tools and documents prepared by students 2020-21
Assessment tools and documents prepared by students 2019-20
Assessment tools and documents prepared by students 2018-19
Assessment tools and documents prepared by students 2017-18
Documents showing the no.of teachers and students using library and certified copies of the ledger
Record Evidence 2019-2021
Record Evidence 2018-2020
Record Evidence 2017-2019
Record Evidence 2016-2018
Details of activities for developing effective communication 2021-2022 and documents during 5 years
assessed assignments of theory courses 2021-22
assessed assignments of theory courses 2020-21
assessed assignments of theory courses 2019-20
assessed assignments of theory courses 2018-19
assessed assignments of theory courses 2017-2018
Internee engagements during internship for last 5 years
Result sheet 2021-2022
Result sheet 2020-2021
Result sheet 2019-2020
Result sheet 2018-19
Result sheet 2017-2018
Documents and ledger pages in the library usage
School internship evaluation proforma
Reports of Sports & Cultural Events (2021-2022)
Circulars of Sports & Cultural Events (2021-2022)
Reports of Sports & Cultural Events (2020-2021)
Circulars of Sports & Cultural Events (2020-2021)
Reports of Sports & Cultural Events (2019-2020)
Circulars of Sports & Cultural Events (2019-2020)
Reports of Sports & Cultural Events (2018-2019)
Circulars of Sports & Cultural Events (2018-2019)
Reports of Sports & Cultural Events (2017-2018)
Circulars of Sports & Cultural Events (2017-2018)
Studio YouTube link
Report of the secondary education commission 1952
National Policy 1986
NEP Final English
Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage
Health and Physical Education A Teachers’ Guide for Class VII
National Policy in education 1986
Disability Management
status of desabilities in india
Information Booklet - English- RCI
Educational Policies in India with Special Reference
Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Upper Primary Stage
Physical Education
Fitness Protocols
Fitness Protocols for Age 65 Years v1 (English)
Fitness Protocols for Age 05-18 Years v1 (English)
NCFTE national_curriculum-for-teacher-education-2009 Draft
National_Education_Policy_2020 - English Version
National Professional Stadards
National Policy on Education 1986
NATIONAL Curriculum
National Curriculum Framework_2009
Macaulay's Minute on Education 1835
Learning Outcomes at the Elementary Stage
Learning Outcomes at the Secondary Stage
Kothari Commission Report
Basics in Education